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第91章 小熊的冒险

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\"the Adventure of Little bear\"

once upon a time, there was a little bear who lived in a beautiful forest. the little bear was very brave and curious, always longing to explore new places.

one day, the little bear decided to embark on an adventure. carrying a small backpack, it walked along a path and entered the mysterious depths of the forest. Along the way, it saw colorful flowers, fluttering butterflies, and chirping birds.

the little bear walked for a long time and felt a bit tired. It found a fortable place and sat down to rest. Just then, a little rabbit hopped over. the little rabbit saw the little bear and greeted it friendly. they soon became good friends and shared their adventure stories.

After having a good rest, the little bear and the little rabbit continued their journey. they encountered a clear brook with gurgling water. the little bear and the little rabbit played by the brook for a while, and then crossed the brook together and continued their adventure.

As the sun gradually set in the west, the little bear knew it was time to go home. It said goodbye to the little rabbit and embarked on the way home with full of memories and new friendship. when the little bear returned home, it felt very happy and satisfied. It fell into a sweet dream, dreaming of its adventure and the lovely little rabbit.

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