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第84章 最后的珍珠 The Last Pearl

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《最后的珍珠》,1854 年

the Last pearl, 1854


we are in a rich, happy house, where the master, the servants, the friends of the family are full of joy and felicity.


For on this day a son and heir has been born, and mother and child are doing well.


the lamp in the bed-chamber had been partly shaded, and the windows were covered with heavy curtains of some costly silken material.


the carpet was thick and soft, like a covering of moss.


Everything invited to slumber, everything had a charming look of repose; and so the nurse had discovered, for she slept; and well she might sleep, while everything around her told of happiness and blessing.


the guardian angel of the house leaned against the head of the bed; while over the child was spread, as it were, a net of shining stars, and each star was a pearl of happiness.


All the good stars of life had brought their gifts to the newly born; here sparkled health, wealth, fortune, and love; in short, there seemed to be everything for which man could wish on earth.

“这里应有尽有了。” 守护天使说道。

“Everything has been bestowed here,” said the guardian angel.

“不,并非一切。” 他身旁一个声音说道 —— 那是孩子的守护天使的声音;“有一位仙女还没有送来她的礼物,但她会的,即便要过好些年,她也会送来她的礼物;缺的就是最后这颗珍珠。”

“No, not everything,” said a voice near him — the voice of the good angel of the child; “one fairy has not yet brought her gift, but she will, even if years should elapse, she will bring her gift; it is the last pearl that is wanting.”

“缺了!” 守护天使叫道;“这里可不能缺任何东西;要是真缺了,那我们去取来;我们去找那位强大的仙女;我们去找她吧。”

“wanting!” cried the guardian angel; “nothing must be wanting here; and if it is such, let us fetch it; let us seek the powerful fairy; let us go to her.”


“She will e, she will e some day unsought!”

“她的珍珠可不能缺失;它必须在那儿,这样皇冠戴起来的时候才会完整无缺。她在哪儿能被找到呢?她住在哪儿?” 守护天使说道。

“her pearl must not be missing; it must be there, that the crown, when worn, may be plete. where is she to be found? where does she dwell?” said the guardian angel.


“tell me, and I will procure the pearl.”

“你愿意这么做吗?” 孩子的守护天使回应道。

“will you do that?” replied the good angel of the child.

“那我这就直接带你去找她,不管她在哪儿。她没有固定的居所;她在皇宫里施威,有时也会走进贫苦农民的简陋小屋;她所到之处都会留下踪迹。她随身带着礼物,不管是一个世界还是一件小玩意儿。她必须到这个孩子这儿来。你觉得等待她到来的时间会很漫长且毫无意义。好吧,那我们就去取这颗珍珠 —— 在这所有的财富当中唯一缺失的那颗。”

“then I will lead you to her directly, wherever she may be. She has no abiding place; she rules in the palace of the emperor, sometimes she enters the peasant’s humble cot; she passes no one without leaving a trace of her presence. She brings her gift with her, whether it is a world or a bauble. to this child she must e. You think that to wait for this time would be long and useless. well, then, let us go for this pearl — the only one lacking amidst all this wealth.”


then hand-in-hand they floated away to the spot where the fairy was now lingering.


It was in a large house with dark windows and empty rooms, in which a peculiar stillness reigned.


A whole row of windows stood open, so that the rude wind could enter at its pleasure, and the long white curtains waved to and fro in the current of air.


In the centre of one of the rooms stood an open coffin, in which lay the body of a woman, still in the bloom of youth and very beautiful.


Fresh roses were scattered over her.


the delicate folded hands and the noble face glorified in death by the solemn, earnest look, which spoke of an entrance into a better world, were alone visible.


Around the coffin stood the husband and children, a whole troop, the youngest in the father’s arms.


they were e to take a last farewell look of their mother.


the husband kissed her hand, which now lay like a withered leaf, but which a short time before had been diligently employed in deeds of love for them all.


tears of sorrow rolled down their cheeks, and fell in heavy drops on the floor, but not a word was spoken.


the silence which reigned here expressed a world of grief.


with silent steps, still sobbing, they left the room.


A burning light remained in the room, and a long, red wick rose far above the flame, which fluttered in the draught of air.


Strange men came in and placed the lid of the coffin over the dead, and drove the nails firmly in; while the blows of the hammer resounded through the house, and echoed in the hearts that were bleeding.

“你要带我去哪儿?” 守护天使问道。

“whither art thou leading me?” asked the guardian angel.


“here dwells no fairy whose pearl could be counted amongst the best gifts of life.”

“是的,她就在这儿;就在这神圣的时刻,” 天使指着房间的一个角落回答道,就在那儿 —— 在她生前,母亲总是坐在鲜花和画作中间的那个位置:就在那个地方,她就像这所房子的幸福仙女一样,迎接过丈夫、孩子和朋友们,并且像一束阳光,把欢乐和愉悦散播在她周围,她是所有人的中心和核心 —— 就在那个确切的地方,坐着一个陌生女人,穿着长长的、飘逸的衣服,占据着那位已逝的妻子和母亲的位置。

“Yes, she is here; here in this sacred hour,” replied the angel, pointing to a corner of the room; and there, — where in her life-time, the mother had taken her seat amidst flowers and pictures: in that spot, where she, like the blessed fairy of the house, had weled husband, children, and friends, and, like a sunbeam, had spread joy and cheerfulness around her, the centre and heart of them all, — there, in that very spot, sat a strange woman, clothed in long, flowing garments, and occupying the place of the dead wife and mother.

她就是仙女,她的名字叫 “悲伤”。

It was the fairy, and her name was “Sorrow.”


A hot tear rolled into her lap, and formed itself into a pearl, glowing with all the colors of the rainbow.


the angel seized it: the pearl glittered like a star with seven-fold radiance.


the pearl of Sorrow, the last, which must not be wanting, increases the lustre, and explains the meaning of all the other pearls.


“do you see the shimmer of the rainbow, which unites earth to heaven?”


So has there been a bridge built between this world and the next.


through the night of the grave we gaze upwards beyond the stars to the end of all things.


then we glance at the pearl of Sorrow, in which are concealed the wings which shall carry us away to eternal happiness.

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