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第68章 猪 The Pigs

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《猪》,1851 年

the pigs, 1851


charles dickens once told us about a pig, and since that time we are in a good humour if we only hear one grunt.


St. Antony took the pig under his protection; and when we think of the prodigal son we always associate with him the idea of feeding swine; and it was in front of a pig-sty that a certain carriage stopped in Sweden, about which I am going to talk.


the farmer had his pig-sty built out towards the high road, close by his house, and it was a wonderful pig-sty.


It was an old state carriage.


the seats had been taken out and the wheels taken off, and so the body of the old coach lay on the ground, and four pigs were shut up inside it.


I wonder if these were the first that had ever been there? that point could not certainly be determined; but that it had been a real state coach everything bore witness, even to the damask rag that hung down from the roof; everything spoke of better days.

“哼!哼!” 里面的住客(猪)叫着,马车嘎吱作响、呻吟着;因为它已经走到了可悲的尽头。

“humph! humph!” said the occupants, and the coach creaked and groaned; for it had been to a mournful end.

“美好的东西已经消逝了,” 它叹息着 —— 或者至少它本可以这样叹息的。

“the beautiful has departed,” it sighed — or at least it might have done so.


we came back in autumn. the coach was there still, but the pigs were gone. they were playing the grand lords out in the woods. blossoms and leaves were gone from all the trees, and storm and rain ruled, and gave them neither peace nor rest; and the birds of passage had flown.

“美好的东西已经消逝了!这里曾是郁郁葱葱的树林,可鸟儿的歌声和温暖的阳光都不见了!都没了!” 那哀伤的声音在高高的树枝间嘎吱作响,听起来就像一声深长的叹息,是从野玫瑰树的怀抱里发出的叹息,也是坐在那里的它发出的叹息;它就是玫瑰王。

“the beautiful has departed! this was the glorious green wood, but the song of the birds and the warm sunshine are gone! gone!” thus said the mournful voice that creaked in the lofty branches of the trees, and it sounded like a deep-drawn sigh, a sigh from the bosom of the wild rose tree, and of him who sat there; it was the rose king.


do you know him?


he is all beard, the finest reddish-green beard; he is easily recognized.


Go up to the wild rose bushes, and when in autumn all the flowers have faded from them, and only the wild hips remain, you will often find under them a great red-green moss flower; and that is the rose king.


A little green leaf grows up out of his head, and that’s his feather.


he is the only man of his kind on the rose bush; and he it was who sighed.


“Gone! gone! the beautiful is gone! the roses have faded, and the leaves fall down! It’s wet here! it’s boisterous here! the birds who used to sing are dumb, and the pigs go out hunting for acorns, and the pigs are the 领主 of the forest!”

夜晚寒冷,白天雾气蒙蒙;但尽管如此,渡鸦还是坐在树枝上唱着,“好!好!” 渡鸦和乌鸦坐在高高的树枝上;它们有一大家子,都在说,“好!好!” 多数人的意见总是对的。

the nights were cold and the days were misty; but, for all that, the raven sat on the branch and sang, “Good! good!” Raven and crow sat on the high bough; and they had a large family, who all said, “Good! good!” and the majority is always right.

在高高的树下,在低洼处,有一个大水坑,猪们大大小小都躺在这儿。它们觉得这个地方无比可爱!“喔唷!喔唷!” 它们都叫了起来。

Under the high trees, in the hollow, was a great puddle, and here the pigs reclined, great and small. they found the place so inexpressibly lovely! “oui! oui!” they all exclaimed.


that was all the French they knew, but even that was something; and they were so clever and so fat!


the old ones lay quite still, and reflected; the young ones were very busy, and were not quiet a moment.


one little porker had a twist in his tail like a ring, and this ring was his mothers’s pride: she thought all the rest were looking at the ring, and thinking only of the ring; but that they were not doing; they were thinking of themselves and of what was useful, and what was the use of the wood.

它们一直听说它们吃的橡子是长在树根处的,于是它们就把地都拱了起来;但来了一只很小的猪 —— 总是这些小猪会冒出些新奇的念头 —— 它宣称橡子是从树枝上掉下来的,因为刚才就有一颗正好砸在了它的头上,这个念头一下子就冒了出来,之后它还进行了观察,现在对此已经相当确定了。

they had always heard that the acorns they ate grew at the roots of the trees, and accordingly they had grubbed up the ground; but there came quite a little pig — it’s always the young ones who e out with their new-fangled notions — who declared that the acorns fell down from the branches, for one had just fallen down on his head, and the idea had struck him at once, afterwards he had made observations, and now was quite certain on the point.


the old ones put their heads together.

“嗯哼!” 它们说,“嗯哼!美好的时光已经一去不复返了:鸟儿的叽叽喳喳声也听不到了:我们想要果实;凡是能吃的就是好东西,我们什么都吃。”

“Umph!” they said, “umph! the glory has departed: the twittering of the birds is all up: we want fruit; whatever’s good to eat is good, and we eat everything.”

“喔唷!喔唷!” 其他所有猪都随声附和。

“oui! oui!” chimed in all the rest.


but the mother now looked at her little porker, the one with the ring in his tail, “one must not overlook the beautiful,” she said.

“好!好!” 乌鸦叫道,然后从树上飞下来,试图谋得夜莺的职位;因为总得有人被任命;而乌鸦直接就得到了这个职位。

“Good! good!” cried the crow, and flew down from the tree to try and get an appointment as nightingale; for some one must be appointed; and the crow obtained the office directly.

“没了!没了!” 玫瑰王叹息道。“所有美好的东西都没了!”

“Gone! gone!” sighed the rose king. “All the beautiful is gone!”


It was boisterous, it was grey, cold, and windy; and through the forest and over the field swept the rain in long dark streaks.


where is the bird who sang, where are the flowers upon the meadow, and the sweet berries of the wood?


Gone! gone!


then a light gleamed from the forester’s house. It was lit up like a star, and threw its long ray among the trees.


A song sounded forth out of the house! beautiful children played there round the old grandfather. he sat with the bible on his knee, and read of the creator and of a better world, and spoke of spring that would return, of the forest that would array itself in fresh green, of the roses that would bloom, of the nightingale that would sing, and of the beautiful that would reign in its glory again.

但玫瑰王没有听到这些,因为他坐在寒冷潮湿的天气里,叹息着:“没了!没了!” 而猪们成了森林的主人,老母猪骄傲地看着她那尾巴卷成圈的小猪。

but the rose king heard it not, for he sat in the cold, damp weather, and sighed, “Gone! gone!” And the pigs were the lords of the forest, and the old mother sow looked proudly at her little porker with the twist in his tail.

“总有人会有一颗欣赏美好的心灵!” 她说。

“there is always somebody who has a soul for the beautiful!” she said.

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