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第36章 幸运的套鞋 The Goloshes of Fortune

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《幸运的套鞋》,1838 年

the Goloshes of Fortune, 1838

1. 开端



In a house in copenhagen, not far from the king’s new market, a very large party had assembled, the host and his family expecting, no doubt, to receive invitations in return.


one half of the pany were already seated at the card-tables, the other half seemed to be waiting the result of their hostess’s question, “well, how shall we amuse ourselves?”


conversation followed, which, after a while, began to prove very entertaining.


Among other subjects, it turned upon the events of the middle ages, which some persons maintained were more full of interest than our own times.


counsellor Knapp defended this opinion so warmly that the lady of the house immediately went over to his side, and both exclaimed against oersted’s Essays on Ancient and modern times, in which the preference is given to our own.


the counsellor considered the times of the danish king, hans, as the noblest and happiest.


the conversation on this topic was only interrupted for a moment by the arrival of a newspaper, which did not, however, contain much worth reading, and while it is still going on we will pay a visit to the ante-room, in which cloaks, sticks, and goloshes were carefully placed.


here sat two maidens, one young, and the other old, as if they had e and were waiting to acpany their mistresses home; but on looking at them more closely, it could easily be seen that they were no mon servants.


their shapes were too graceful, their plexions too delicate, and the cut of their dresses much too elegant.


they were two fairies.


the younger was not Fortune herself, but the chambermaid of one of Fortune’s attendants, who carries about her more trifling gifts.


the elder one, who was named care, looked rather gloomy; she always goes about to perform her own business in person; for then she knows it is properly done.


they were telling each other where they had been during the day.


the messenger of Fortune had only transacted a few unimportant matters; for instance, she had preserved a new bonnet from a shower of rain, and obtained for an honest man a bow from a titled nobody, and so on; but she had something extraordinary to relate, after all.

“我必须告诉你,” 她说,“今天是我的生日;为了庆祝这个日子,我被托付了一双套鞋,要把它们介绍给人类。

“I must tell you,” said she, “that to-day is my birthday; and in honor of it I have been intrusted with a pair of goloshes, to introduce amongst mankind.


these goloshes have the property of making every one who puts them on imagine himself in any place he wishes, or that he exists at any period.


Every wish is fulfilled at the moment it is expressed, so that for once mankind have the chance of being happy.”

“不,” 忧虑回答说,“你可以肯定,任何穿上这双套鞋的人都会非常不开心,并且会庆幸能摆脱它们的那一刻。”

“No,” replied care; “you may depend upon it that whoever puts on those goloshes will be very unhappy, and bless the moment in which he can get rid of them.”

“你在想什么呢?” 另一个回答道。

“what are you thinking of?” replied the other.


“Now see; I will place them by the door; some one will take them instead of his own, and he will be the happy man.”


this was the end of their conversation.

2. 顾问身上发生了什么

whAt hAppENEd to thE coUNSELLoR


It was late when counsellor Knapp, lost in thought about the times of King hans, desired to return home; and fate so ordered it that he put on the goloshes of Fortune instead of his own, and walked out into the East Street.


through the magic power of the goloshes, he was at once carried back three hundred years, to the times of King hans, for which he had been longing when he put them on.


therefore he immediately set his foot into the mud and mire of the street, which in those days possessed no pavement.


“why, this is horrible; how dreadfully dirty it is!” said the counsellor; “and the whole pavement has vanished, and the lamps are all out.”


the moon had not yet risen high enough to penetrate the thick foggy air, and all the objects around him were confused together in the darkness.


At the nearest corner, a lamp hung before a picture of the madonna; but the light it gave was almost useless, for he only perceived it when he came quite close and his eyes fell on the painted figures of the mother and child.

“那很可能是一个艺术博物馆,” 他想,“他们忘了把标志取下来。”

“that is most likely a museum of art,” thought he, “and they have forgotten to take down the sign.”


two men, in the dress of olden times, passed by him.

“多么奇怪的人啊!” 他想,“他们一定是从某个化装舞会回来。”

“what odd figures!” thought he; “they must be returning from some masquerade.”


Suddenly he heard the sound of a drum and fifes, and then a blazing light from torches shone upon him.


the counsellor stared with astonishment as he beheld a most strange procession pass before him.


First came a whole troop of drummers, beating their drums very cleverly; they were followed by life-guards, with longbows and crossbows.


the principal person in the procession was a clerical-looking gentleman.


the astonished counsellor asked what it all meant, and who the gentleman might be.


“that is the bishop of Zealand.”

“天哪!” 他惊叫道,“主教到底怎么了?他在想什么呢?”然后他摇了摇头说:“这不可能是主教本人。”

“Good gracious!” he exclaimed; “what in the world has happened to the bishop? what can he be thinking about?” then he shook his head and said, “It cannot possibly be the bishop himself.”


while musing on this strange affair, and without looking to the right or left, he walked on through East Street and over highbridge place.


the bridge, which he supposed led to palace Square, was nowhere to be found; but instead, he saw a bank and some shallow water, and two people, who sat in a boat.

“这位先生要渡到霍尔姆岛去吗?” 一个人问。

“does the gentleman wish to be ferried over the holm?” asked one.

“去霍尔姆岛!” 顾问惊叫道,不知道自己现在处于什么时代;“我要去小草皮街的克里斯蒂安港。”

“to the holm!” exclaimed the counsellor, not knowing in what age he was now existing; “I want to go to christian’s haven, in Little turf Street.”


the men stared at him.

“请告诉我桥在哪里!” 他说。“这里的灯没亮真是可耻,而且这里泥泞得就像走在沼泽里一样。”

“pray tell me where the bridge is!” said he. “It is shameful that the lamps are not lighted here, and it is as muddy as if one were walking in a marsh.”


but the more he talked with the boatmen the less they could understand each other.

“我听不懂你那奇怪的话。” 最后他生气地背过身去,大声说道。

“I don’t understand your outlandish talk,” he cried at last, angrily turning his back upon them.


he could not, however, find the bridge nor any railings.

“这地方的状况真是糟糕透顶。” 他说;他确信,他从来没有觉得自己所处的时代像今晚这么悲惨。

“what a scandalous condition this place is in,” said he; never, certainly, had he found his own times so miserable as on this evening.


“I think it will be better for me to take a coach; but where are they?”

一辆也看不见!“我得回到国王的新市场去,” 他说,“那里停着很多马车,否则我永远也到不了克里斯蒂安港。”

“I shall be obliged to go back to the king’s new market,” said he, “where there are plenty of carriages standing, or I shall never reach christian’s haven.”


then he went towards East Street, and had nearly passed through it, when the moon burst forth from a cloud.

“天哪,他们在这里建了什么?” 他叫道,因为他看到了东城门,在古代,东城门就矗立在东街的尽头。

“dear me, what have they been erecting here?” he cried, as he caught sight of the East gate, which in olden times used to stand at the end of East Street.


however, he found an opening through which he passed, and came out upon where he expected to find the new market.


Nothing was to be seen but an open meadow, surrounded by a few bushes, through which ran a broad canal or stream.


A few miserable-looking wooden booths, for the acmodation of dutch watermen, stood on the opposite shore.

“要么我看到了海市蜃楼,要么我一定是醉了。” 顾问呻吟道。“这是怎么回事?我怎么了?”

“Either I behold a fata morgana, or I must be tipsy,” groaned the counsellor.“what can it be? what is the matter with me?”


he turned back in the full conviction that he must be ill.


In walking through the street this time, he examined the houses more closely; he found that most of them were built of lath and plaster, and many had only a thatched roof.

“我肯定是全乱了。” 他叹了口气说,“然而我只喝了一杯潘趣酒。但我连那都受不了,给我们喝潘趣酒和热鲑鱼真是太愚蠢了;我要跟我们的女主人,那个代理商夫人说说这件事。假设我现在回去说我感觉多么不舒服,我怕这会显得很可笑,而且不太可能还有人没睡。”

“I am certainly all wrong,” said he, with a sigh; “and yet I only drank one glass of punch. but I cannot bear even that, and it was very foolish to give us punch and hot salmon; I shall speak about it to our hostess, the agent’s lady. Suppose I were to go back now and say how ill I feel, I fear it would look so ridiculous, and it is not very likely that I should find any one up.”


then he looked for the house, but it was not in existence.


“this is really frightful; I cannot even recognize East Street. Not a shop to be seen; nothing but old, wretched, tumble-down houses, just as if I were at Roeskilde or Ringstedt. oh, I really must be ill! It is no use to stand upon ceremony. but where in the world is the agent’s house. there is a house, but it is not his; and people still up in it, I can hear. oh dear! I certainly am very queer.”


As he reached the half-open door, he saw a light and went in.


It was a tavern of the olden times, and seemed a kind of beershop.


the room had the appearance of a dutch interior.


A number of people, consisting of seamen, copenhagen citizens, and a few scholars, sat in deep conversation over their mugs, and took very little notice of the new er.

“对不起,” 顾问对女店主说,“我感觉不太舒服,如果你能叫一辆马车送我去克里斯蒂安港,我将非常感激。”

“pardon me,” said the counsellor, addressing the landlady, “I do not feel quite well, and I should be much obliged if you will send for a fly to take me to christian’s haven.”


the woman stared at him and shook her head.


then she spoke to him in German.


the counsellor supposed from this that she did not understand danish; he therefore repeated his request in German.


this, as well as his singular dress, convinced the woman that he was a foreigner.


She soon understood, however, that he did not find himself quite well, and therefore brought him a mug of water.


It had something of the taste of seawater, certainly, although it had been drawn from the well outside.


then the counsellor leaned his head on his hand, drew a deep breath, and pondered over all the strange things that had happened to him.

“这是今天的《日报》吗?” 他看到那个女人把一大张纸放在一边,完全是无意识地问道。

“Is that to-day’s number of the day?” he asked, quite mechanically, as he saw the woman putting by a large piece of paper.


She did not understand what he meant, but she handed him the sheet; it was a woodcut, representing a meteor, which had appeared in the town of cologne.

“这非常古老。” 顾问看到这幅古旧的画时变得非常高兴。“你从哪里得到这张奇特的纸的?这很有趣,尽管整件事是个神话。如今流星很容易解释;它们是北极光,经常能看到,无疑是由电引起的。”

“that is very old,” said the counsellor, being quite cheerful at the sight of this antique drawing. “where did you get this singular sheet? It is very interesting, although the whole affair is a fable. meteors are easily explained in these days; they are northern lights, which are often seen, and are no doubt caused by electricity.”


those who sat near him, and heard what he said, looked at him in great astonishment, and one of them rose, took off his hat respectfully, and said in a very serious manner, “You must certainly be a very learned man, monsieur.”

“哦,不,” 顾问回答说,“我只能谈论每个人都应该理解的话题。”

“oh no,” replied the counsellor; “I can only discourse on topics which every one should understand.”

“谦虚是一种美好的品德。” 那个人说。“此外,我必须在你的话后面加上‘在我看来并非如此’;不过在这种情况下,我会暂不做判断。”

“modestia is a beautiful virtue,” said the man. “moreover, I must add to your speech mihi secus videtur; yet in this case I would suspend my judicium.”


“may I ask to whom I have the pleasure of speaking?”

“我是一位神学学士。” 那个人说。

“I am a bachelor of divinity,” said the man.


this answer satisfied the counsellor. the title agreed with the dress.

“这肯定是,” 他想,“一位老乡村教师,一个十足的怪人,就像有时在日德兰半岛也能见到的那种人。”

“this is surely,” thought he, “an old village schoolmaster, a perfect original, such as one meets with sometimes even in Jutland.”

“这当然不是一个讲学的地方,” 那个人开始说,“不过我还是得请您继续谈话。您一定对古代知识很有研究。”

“this is not certainly a locus docendi,” began the man; “still I must beg you to continue the conversation. You must be well read in ancient lore.”

“哦,是的,” 顾问回答说,“我非常喜欢读有用的旧书,也喜欢读现代的书,除了日常故事,我们现在这类书实在是太多了。”

“oh yes,” replied the counsellor; “I am very fond of reading useful old books, and modern ones as well, with the exception of every-day stories, of which we really have more than enough.

“日常故事?” 学士问。

“Every-day stories?” asked the bachelor.


“Yes, I mean the new novels that we have at the present day.”


“oh,” replied the man, with a smile; “and yet they are very witty, and are much read at court. the king likes especially the romance of messeurs Iffven and Gaudian, which describes King Arthur and his knights of the round table. he has joked about it with the gentlemen of his court.”

“嗯,我肯定没读过那个。” 顾问回答道。“我想那一定是很新的作品,是海伯格出版的。”

“well, I have certainly not read that,” replied the counsellor.“I suppose it is quite new, and published by heiberg.”

“不,” 那个人回答,“不是海伯格出版的;是戈弗雷?冯?格曼出版的。”

“No,” answered the man, “it is not by heiberg; Godfred von Gehman brought it out.”

“哦,他是出版商吗?那是个很古老的名字。” 顾问说,“那不是丹麦第一个出版商的名字吗?”

“oh, is he the publisher? that is a very old name,” said the counsellor; “was it not the name of the first publisher in denmark?”

“是的;他现在是我们的第一个印刷商和出版商。” 学者回答道。

“Yes; and he is our first printer and publisher now,” replied the scholar.


So far all had passed off very well; but now one of the citizens began to speak of a terrible pestilence which had been raging a few years before, meaning the plague of 1484.


the counsellor thought he referred to the cholera, and they could discuss this without finding out the mistake.

1490 年的战争被说成是最近发生的。

the war in 1490 was spoken of as quite recent.

1801 年英国海盗在海峡劫持了一些船只,顾问以为他们说的是这些,和他们一起指责英国人。

the English pirates had taken some ships in the channel in 1801, and the counsellor, supposing they referred to these, agreed with them in finding fault with the English.


the rest of the talk, however, was not so agreeable; every moment one contradicted the other.


the good bachelor appeared very ignorant, for the simplest remark of the counsellor seemed to him either too bold or too fantastic.


they stared at each other, and when it became worse the bachelor spoke in Latin, in the hope of being better understood; but it was all useless.

“你现在怎么样?” 女店主拉着顾问的袖子问道。

“how are you now?” asked the landlady, pulling the counsellor’s sleeve.


then his recollection returned to him. In the course of conversation he had forgotten all that had happened previously.

“天哪!我在哪里?” 他说。一想到这里,他就感到困惑。

“Goodness me! where am I?” said he. It bewildered him as he thought of it.

“我们来点红葡萄酒、蜂蜜酒或者不来梅啤酒吧。” 其中一位客人说,“你和我们一起喝吗?”

“we will have some claret, or mead, or bremen beer,” said one of the guests; “will you drink with us?”


two maids came in. one of them had a cap on her head of two colors.


they poured out the wine, bowed their heads, and withdrew.

顾问感到一阵寒意传遍全身。“这是怎么回事?这是什么意思?” 他说;但他不得不和他们一起喝,因为他们的礼貌让这位好人无法拒绝。最后他绝望了;当其中一个人说他喝醉了的时候,他一点也不怀疑这个人的话 —— 只是请求他们叫一辆马车;然后他们以为他在说俄语。他以前从未处于如此粗俗无礼的人群中。“人们会以为这个国家又要回到异教时代了。” 他说。“这是我一生中最可怕的时刻。”

the counsellor felt a cold shiver run all over him. “what is this? what does it mean?” said he; but he was obliged to drink with them, for they overpowered the good man with their politeness. he became at last desperate; and when one of them said he was tipsy, he did not doubt the man’s word in the least — only begged them to get a droschky; and then they thought he was speaking the muscovite language. Never before had he been in such rough and vulgar pany. “one might believe that the country was going back to heathenism,” he observed. “this is the most terrible moment of my life.”


Just then it came into his mind that he would stoop under the table, and so creep to the door. he tried it; but before he reached the entry, the rest discovered what he was about, and seized him by the feet, when, luckily for him, off came the goloshes, and with them vanished the whole enchantment.


the counsellor now saw quite plainly a lamp, and a large building behind it; everything looked familiar and beautiful.


he was in East Street, as it now appears; he lay with his legs turned towards a porch, and just by him sat the watchman asleep.

“难道我真的在街上躺在这里做梦吗?” 他说。

“Is it possible that I have been lying here in the street dreaming?” said he.


“Yes, this is East Street; how beautifully bright and gay it looks! It is quite shocking that one glass of punch should have upset me like this.”


two minutes afterwards he sat in a droschky, which was to drive him to christian’s haven.


he thought of all the terror and anxiety which he had undergone, and felt thankful from his heart for the reality and fort of modern times, which, with all their errors, were far better than those in which he so lately found himself.

3. 守夜人的冒险


“哎呀,我敢说,这里有一双套鞋。” 守夜人说。

“well, I declare, there lies a pair of goloshes,” said the watchman.


“No doubt, they belong to the lieutenant who lives up stairs. they are lying just by his door.”


Gladly would the honest man have rung, and given them in, for a light was still burning, but he did not wish to disturb the other people in the house; so he let them lie.

“这些东西一定能让脚很暖和。” 他说,“它们是非常好的柔软的皮革做的。”

“these things must keep the feet very warm,” said he; “they are of such nice soft leather.”


then he tried them on, and they fitted his feet exactly.

“现在,” 他说,“这世界上的事情多么奇怪啊!那个人可以躺在温暖的床上,但他却不这么做。”

“Now,” said he, “how droll things are in this world! there’s that man can lie down in his warm bed, but he does not do so.


there he goes pacing up and down the room.


he ought to be a happy man.


he has neither wife nor children, and he goes out into pany every evening.


oh, I wish I were he; then I should be a happy man.”


As he uttered this wish, the goloshes which he had put on took effect, and the watchman at once became the lieutenant.

他站在自己的房间里,手指间夹着一小张粉色的纸,上面是一首诗 —— 一首中尉自己写的诗。

there he stood in his room, holding a little piece of pink paper between his fingers, on which was a poem, — a poem written by the lieutenant himself.


who has not had, for once in his life, a moment of poetic inspiration? and at such a moment, if the thoughts are written down, they flow in poetry.


the following verses were written on the pink paper: —


“oh were I rich!


“oh were I rich! how oft, in youth’s bright hour,


when youthful pleasures banish every care,


I longed for riches but to gain a power,


the sword and plume and uniform to wear!


the riches and the honor came for me;


Yet still my greatest wealth was poverty:


Ah, help and pity me!


“once in my youthful hours, when gay and free,


A maiden loved me; and her gentle kiss,


Rich in its tender love and purity,


taught me, alas! too much of earthly bliss.


dear child! She only thought of youthful glee;


She loved no wealth, but fairy tales and me.


thou knowest: ah, pity me!


“oh were I rich! again is all my prayer:


that child is now a woman, fair and free,


As good and beautiful as angels are.


oh, were I rich in lovers’ poetry,


to tell my fairy tale, love’s richest lore!

但不,我必须沉默 —— 我很穷。

but no; I must be silent — I am poor.


Ah, wilt thou pity me?


“oh were I rich in truth and peace below,


I need not then my poverty bewail.


to thee I dedicate these lines of woe;


wilt thou not understand the mournful tale?

一片叶子上我倾诉我的悲伤 ——

A leaf on which my sorrows I relate —


dark story of a darker night of fate.


Ah, bless and pity me!”


“well, yes; people write poems when they are in love, but a wise man will not print them. A lieutenant in love, and poor. this is a triangle, or more properly speaking, the half of the broken die of fortune.”


the lieutenant felt this very keenly, and therefore leaned his head against the window-frame, and sighed deeply.

“街上那个可怜的守夜人,” 他说,“比我幸福得多。他不知道我所说的贫穷是什么。他有一个家,一个妻子和孩子,他们为他的悲伤而哭泣,为他的快乐而高兴。哦,如果我能和他互换身份和处境,带着他那卑微的期望和希望度过一生,我该会多么幸福啊!是的,他确实比我幸福。”

“the poor watchman in the street,” said he, “is far happier than I am. he knows not what I call poverty. he has a home, a wife and children, who weep at his sorrow and rejoice at his joy. oh, how much happier I should be could I change my being and position with him, and pass through life with his humble expectations and hopes! Yes, he is indeed happier than I am.”


At this moment the watchman again became a watchman; for having, through the goloshes of Fortune, passed into the existence of the lieutenant, and found himself less contented than he expected, he had preferred his former condition, and wished himself again a watchman.

“那是个可怕的梦,” 他说,“但也够滑稽的。”

“that was an ugly dream,” said he, “but droll enough.


It seemed to me as if I were the lieutenant up yonder, but there was no happiness for me.


I missed my wife and the little ones, who are always ready to smother me with kisses.”


he sat down again and nodded, but he could not get the dream out of his thoughts, and he still had the goloshes on his feet.


A falling star gleamed across the sky.

“那儿有一颗!” 他叫道。

“there goes one!” cried he.


“however, there are quite enough left; I should very much like to examine these a little nearer, especially the moon, for that could not slip away under one’s hands. the student, for whom my wife washes, says that when we die we shall fly from one star to another. If that were true, it would be very delightful, but I don't believe it. I wish I could make a little spring up there now; I would willingly let my body lie here on the steps.”


there are certain things in the world which should be uttered very cautiously; doubly so when the speaker has on his feet the goloshes of Fortune. Now we shall hear what happened to the watchman.


Nearly every one is acquainted with the great power of steam; we have proved it by the rapidity with which we can travel, both on a railroad or in a steamship across the sea. but this speed is like the movements of the sloth, or the crawling march of the snail, when pared to the swiftness with which light travels; light flies nineteen million times faster than the fleetest race-horse, and electricity is more rapid still.


death is an electric shock which we receive in our hearts, and on the wings of electricity the liberated soul flies away swiftly, the light from the sun travels to our earth ninety-five millions of miles in eight minutes and a few seconds; but on the wings of electricity, the mind requires only a second to acplish the same distance.


the space between the heavenly bodies is, to thought, no farther than the distance which we may have to walk from one friend’s house to another in the same town; yet this electric shock obliges us to use our bodies here below, unless, like the watchman, we have on the goloshes of Fortune.


In a very few seconds the watchman had travelled more than two hundred thousand miles to the moon, which is formed of a lighter material than our earth, and may be said to be as soft as new fallen snow.


he found himself on one of the circular range of mountains which we see represented in dr. madler’s large map of the moon.


the interior had the appearance of a large hollow, bowl-shaped, with a depth about half a mile from the brim.


within this hollow stood a large town; we may form some idea of its appearance by pouring the white of an egg into a glass of water.


the materials of which it was built seemed just as soft, and pictured forth cloudy turrets and sail-like terraces, quite transparent, and floating in the thin air.


our earth hung over his head like a great dark red ball.


presently he discovered a number of beings, which might certainly be called men, but were very different to ourselves.


A more fantastical imagination than herschel’s must have discovered these.

如果把他们排成组并画下来,可能会有人说:“多么美丽的枝叶!” 他们也有自己的语言。

had they been placed in groups, and painted, it might have been said, “what beautiful foliage!” they had also a language of their own.


No one could have expected the soul of the watchman to understand it, and yet he did understand it, for our souls have much greater capabilities then we are inclined to believe.


do we not, in our dreams, show a wonderful dramatic talent? each of our acquaintance appears to us then in his own character, and with his own voice; no man could thus imitate them in his waking hours.


how clearly, too, we are reminded of persons whom we have not seen for many years; they start up suddenly to the mind’s eye with all their peculiarities as living realities.


In fact, this memory of the soul is a fearful thing; every sin, every sinful thought it can bring back, and we may well ask how we are to give account of “every idle word” that may have been whispered in the heart or uttered with the lips.


the spirit of the watchman therefore understood very well the language of the inhabitants of the moon.


they were disputing about our earth, and doubted whether it could be inhabited.


the atmosphere, they asserted, must be too dense for any inhabitants of the moon to exist there.


they maintained that the moon alone was inhabited, and was really the heavenly body in which the old world people lived.


they likewise talked politics.


but now we will descend to East Street, and see what happened to the watchman’s body.


he sat lifeless on the steps.


his staff had fallen out of his hand, and his eyes stared at the moon, about which his honest soul was wandering.

“几点了,守夜人?” 一个路人问道。

“what is it o’clock, watchman?” inquired a passenger.


but there was no answer from the watchman.


the man then pulled his nose gently, which caused him to lose his balance.


the body fell forward, and lay at full length on the ground as one dead.


All his rades were very much frightened, for he seemed quite dead; still they allowed him to remain after they had given notice of what had happened; and at dawn the body was carried to the hospital.


we might imagine it to be no jesting matter if the soul of the man should chance to return to him, for most probably it would seek for the body in East Street without being able to find it.


we might fancy the soul inquiring of the police, or at the address office, or among the missing parcels, and then at length finding it at the hospital.


but we may fort ourselves by the certainty that the soul, when acting upon its own impulses, is wiser than we are; it is the body that makes it stupid.


As we have said, the watchman’s body had been taken to the hospital, and here it was placed in a room to be washed.


Naturally, the first thing done here was to take off the goloshes, upon which the soul was instantly obliged to return, and it took the direct road to the body at once, and in a few seconds the man’s life returned to him.


he declared, when he quite recovered himself, that this had been the most dreadful night he had ever passed; not for a hundred pounds would he go through such feelings again.


however, it was all over now.


the same day he was allowed to leave, but the goloshes remained at the hospital.

4. 重大时刻 —— 一次极不寻常的旅程



Every inhabitant of copenhagen knows what the entrance to Frederick’s hospital is like; but as most probably a few of those who read this little tale may not reside in copenhagen, we will give a short description of it.


the hospital is separated from the street by an iron railing, in which the bars stand so wide apart that, it is said, some very slim patients have squeezed through, and gone to pay little visits in the town.


the most difficult part of the body to get through was the head; and in this case, as it often happens in the world, the small heads were the most fortunate.


this will serve as sufficient introduction to our tale.


one of the young volunteers, of whom, physically speaking, it might be said that he had a great head, was on guard that evening at the hospital.


the rain was pouring down, yet, in spite of these two obstacles, he wanted to go out just for a quarter of an hour; it was not worth while, he thought, to make a confidant of the porter, as he could easily slip through the iron railings.


there lay the goloshes, which the watchman had forgotten.


It never occurred to him that these could be goloshes of Fortune.


they would be very serviceable to him in this rainy weather, so he drew them on.


Now came the question whether he could squeeze through the palings; he certainly had never tried, so he stood looking at them.

“我真希望我的头能过去。” 他说,立刻,尽管他的头又粗又大,却很容易地滑过去了。

“I wish to goodness my head was through,” said he, and instantly, though it was so thick and large, it slipped through quite easily.


the goloshes answered that purpose very well, but his body had to follow, and this was impossible.

“我太胖了。” 他说,“我原以为我的头会是最难过去的,但我肯定无法让我的身体过去。”

“I am too fat,” he said; “I thought my head would be the worst, but I cannot get my body through, that is certain.”


then he tried to pull his head back again, but without success; he could move his neck about easily enough, and that was all.


his first feeling was one of anger, and then his spirits sank below zero.


the goloshes of Fortune had placed him in this terrible position, and unfortunately it never occurred to him to wish himself free.


No, instead of wishing he kept twisting about, yet did not stir from the spot.


the rain poured, and not a creature could be seen in the street.


the porter’s bell he was unable to reach, and however was he to get loose! he foresaw that he should have to stay there till morning, and then they must send for a smith to file away the iron bars, and that would be a work of time.


All the charity children would just be going to school: and all the sailors who inhabited that quarter of the town would be there to see him standing in the pillory.


what a crowd there would be.

“哈,” 他叫道,“血直往我头上涌,我要疯了。我觉得我已经疯了;哦,我希望我能自由,那样所有这些感觉就会消失了。”

“ha,” he cried, “the blood is rushing to my head, and I shall go mad. I believe I am crazy already; oh, I wish I were free, then all these sensations would pass off.”


this is just what he ought to have said at first. the moment he had expressed the thought his head was free.


he started back, quite bewildered with the fright which the goloshes of Fortune had caused him.


but we must not suppose it was all over; no, indeed, there was worse to e yet.


the night passed, and the whole of the following day; but no one sent for the goloshes.


In the evening a declamatory performance was to take place at the amateur theatre in a distant street.


the house was crowded; among the audience was the young volunteer from the hospital, who seemed to have quite forgotten his adventures of the previous evening.


he had on the goloshes; they had not been sent for, and as the streets were still very dirty, they were of great service to him.


A new poem, entitled “my Aunt’s Spectacles,” was being recited.


It described these spectacles as possessing a wonderful power; if any one put them on in a large assembly the people appeared like cards, and the future events of ensuing years could be easily foretold by them.


the idea struck him that he should very much like to have such a pair of spectacles; for, if used rightly, they would perhaps enable him to see into the hearts of people, which he thought would be more interesting than to know what was going to happen next year; for future events would be sure to show themselves, but the hearts of people never.


“I can fancy what I should see in the whole row of ladies and gentlemen on the first seat, if I could only look into their hearts; that lady, I imagine, keeps a store for things of all descriptions; how my eyes would wander about in that collection; with many ladies I should no doubt find a large millinery establishment. there is another that is perhaps empty, and would be all the better for cleaning out. there may be some well stored with good articles. Ah, yes,” he sighed, “I know one, in which everything is solid, but a servant is there already, and that is the only thing against it. I dare say from many I should hear the words, ‘please to walk in.’ I only wish I could slip into the hearts like a little tiny thought.”


this was the word of mand for the goloshes.


the volunteer shrunk up together, and menced a most unusual journey through the hearts of the spectators in the first row.


the first heart he entered was that of a lady, but he thought he must have got into one of the rooms of an orthopedic institution where plaster casts of deformed limbs were hanging on the walls, with this difference, that the casts in the institution are formed when the patient enters, but here they were formed and preserved after the good people had left.


these were casts of the bodily and mental deformities of the lady’s female friends carefully preserved.


quickly he passed into another heart, which had the appearance of a spacious, holy church, with the white dove of innocence fluttering over the altar.


Gladly would he have fallen on his knees in such a sacred place; but he was carried on to another heart, still, however, listening to the tones of the organ, and feeling himself that he had bee another and a better man.


the next heart was also a sanctuary, which he felt almost unworthy to enter; it represented a mean garret, in which lay a sick mother; but the warm sunshine streamed through the window, lovely roses bloomed in a little flowerbox on the roof, two blue birds sang of childlike joys, and the sick mother prayed for a blessing on her daughter.


Next he crept on his hands and knees through an overfilled butcher’s shop; there was meat, nothing but meat, wherever he stepped; this was the heart of a rich, respectable man, whose name is doubtless in the directory.


then he entered the heart of this man’s wife; it was an old, tumble-down pigeon-house; the husband’s portrait served as a weather-cock; it was connected with all the doors, which opened and shut just as the husband’s decision turned.


the next heart was a plete cabinet of mirrors, such as can be seen in the castle of Rosenberg.


but these mirrors magnified in an astonishing degree; in the middle of the floor sat, like the Grand Lama, the insignificant I of the owner, astonished at the contemplation of his own features.

在他接下来的一次拜访中,他觉得自己一定是进入了一个狭窄的针盒,里面装满了锋利的针:“哦,” 他想,“这一定是一个老处女的内心;” 但事实并非如此;这颗心属于一个年轻的军官,他佩戴着几枚勋章,据说他是一个有才智和心地善良的人。

At his next visit he fancied he must have got into a narrow needlecase, full of sharp needles: “oh,” thought he, “this must be the heart of an old maid;” but such was not the fact; it belonged to a young officer, who wore several orders, and was said to be a man of intellect and heart.


the poor volunteer came out of the last heart in the row quite bewildered.


he could not collect his thoughts, and imagined his foolish fancies had carried him away.

“天哪!” 他叹了口气,“我一定有大脑软化的倾向,而且这里热得厉害,血直往我头上涌。”

“Good gracious!” he sighed, “I must have a tendency to softening of the brain, and here it is so exceedingly hot that the blood is rushing to my head.”


And then suddenly recurred to him the strange event of the evening before, when his head had been fixed between the iron railings in front of the hospital.

“这就是一切的原因!” 他叫道,“我必须及时做点什么。洗个俄罗斯浴会是个很好的开始。我希望我躺在最高的架子上。”

“that is the cause of it all!” he exclaimed, “I must do something in time. A Russian bath would be a very good thing to begin with. I wish I were lying on one of the highest shelves.”


Sure enough, there he lay on an upper shelf of a vapor bath, still in his evening costume, with his boots and goloshes on, and the hot drops from the ceiling falling on his face.


“ho!” he cried, jumping down and rushing towards the plunging bath.


the attendant stopped him with a loud cry, when he saw a man with all his clothes on.


the volunteer had, however, presence of mind enough to whisper, “It is for a wager;” but the first thing he did, when he reached his own room, was to put a large blister on his neck, and another on his back, that his crazy fit might be cured.


the next morning his back was very sore, which was all he gained by the goloshes of Fortune.

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