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第32章 这则寓言是为你而写 This Fable Is Intended for You

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this Fable Is Intended for You, 1836


wise men of ancient times ingeniously discovered how to tell people the truth without being blunt to their faces.


You see, they held a magic mirror before the people, in which all sorts of animals and various wondrous things appeared, producing amusing as well as instructive pictures.


they called these fables, and whatever wise or foolish deeds the animals performed, the people were to imagine themselves in their places and thereby think, “this fable is intended for you!” In this way no one’s feelings were hurt.


Let us give you an example.


there were two high mountains, and at the top of each stood a castle. In the valley below ran a hungry dog, sniffing along the ground as if in search of mice or quail.


Suddenly a trumpet sounded from one of the castles, to announce that mealtime was approaching.


the dog immediately started running up the mountain, hoping to get his share; but when he was halfway up, the trumpeter ceased blowing, and a trumpet from the other castle menced.


“Up here,” thought the dog, “they will have finished eating before I arrive, but over there they are just getting ready to eat.”


So he ran down, and up the other mountain.


but now the first trumpet started again, while the second stopped.


the dog ran down again, and up again; and this he continued until both trumpets stopped blowing, and the meals were over in both castles.


Now guess what the wise men of ancient times would have said about this fable, and who the fool could be who runs himself ragged without gaining anything, either here or there?

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经典收藏逆青春 网游之血御天策 渡仙玄记 泺寒轻舞 大齐魔人传 高纬游戏 海军曙光 渣男白月光回国后,豪门千金她不装了 重返1987 末世降临,游戏场内危机四伏 四合院:开局一等功 套路玩的妙,总裁跑不掉 直播小姐姐穿越后被天道宠翻天 全球末日后我觉醒了自然亲和 二次元心愿旅行 修仙之鸿蒙炼神决 身体互换,我替无能太子站稳朝堂 仙君追逃妻到蓝星挖自己墙脚 [七五]御猫媳妇是恶霸 快穿之干啥啥不行,生娃第一名 
最近更新我死后,成了疯批反派的白月光 小满的花路有点咸 风起于未月 古今来回穿,我囤货养孙子暴富 无双毒士:女帝叫我活阎王! 民间怪谈之缝尸人 NBA:开局拉了,勇士跪求我回归 绑定改字系统,疯批男主跪求原谅 姐妹先嫁我后嫁,她嫁儿子我嫁爸 宠妃这职业,必须卷起来 重生后我手撕绿茶闺蜜 我靠切切切当上太医令 时光与你,情定今生 圣祖大帝传奇 快穿:每一个位面都是救赎文 老祖宗包养的小白脸竟是豪门继承人 开局复制诡能力,诡异?拿来吧你 原神,身为初代雷龙,我竟被同化 三阴之血 荒年恶妇开了挂,逆袭成全县首富 
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