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第23章 凤凰 The Phoenix Bird

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the phoenix bird, 1850



“the phoenix” is the most lyrical of Andersen’s tales.


Eulogizing the bird of paradise, it bines biblical narratives with Scandinavian lore and ancient mythologies to construct an aesthetic in which beauty constantly renews itself in bursts of cataclysmic destruction.


Nature bees the model for an art that pulses with organic vitality and the promise of metamorphosis and rebirth.


ducks, swans, sparrows, storks, butterflies, and other ordinary winged creatures perpetually find their way into Andersen’s narratives.


Sometimes they enact fables about human behavior, sometimes they encounter humans to offer wisdom, direction, or assistance, and frequently they incarnate the human soul in flight.


the phoenix, with its glorious color and song, rises above the ordinary to serve as the model for an art that will never perish, even as it repeatedly goes up in flames.

那个有翼的生物激发了一位评论家将安徒生的艺术称为受 “凤凰原则” 支配,这是对艺术超越其物质存在的力量的深刻信念。

that winged creature has inspired one critic to refer to Andersen’s art as governed by “the phoenix principle,” a profound faith in the power of art to endure beyond its material existence.



In the Garden of paradise, beneath the tree of Knowledge, bloomed a rose bush.


here, in the first rose, a bird was born.


his flight was like the flashing of light, his plumage was beauteous, and his song ravishing.


but when Eve plucked the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, when she and Adam were driven from paradise, there fell from the flaming sword of the cherub a spark into the nest of the bird, which blazed up forthwith.

鸟在火焰中丧生;但从巢中的红色蛋中,一只新的鸟振翅高飞 —— 那只孤独的凤凰。

the bird perished in the flames; but from the red egg in the nest there fluttered aloft a new one — the one solitary phoenix bird.


the fable tells that he dwells in Arabia, and that every hundred years, he burns himself to death in his nest; but each time a new phoenix, the only one in the world, rises up from the red egg.


the bird flutters round us, swift as light, beauteous in color, charming in song.


when a mother sits by her infant’s cradle, he stands on the pillow, and, with his wings, forms a glory around the infant’s head.


he flies through the chamber of content, and brings sunshine into it, and the violets on the humble table smell doubly sweet.


but the phoenix is not the bird of Arabia alone.


he wings his way in the glimmer of the Northern Lights over the plains of Lapland, and hops among the yellow flowers in the short Greenland summer.


beneath the copper mountains of Fablun, and England’s coal mines, he flies, in the shape of a dusty moth, over the hymnbook that rests on the knees of the pious miner.


on a lotus leaf he floats down the sacred waters of the Ganges, and the eye of the hindoo maid gleams bright when she beholds him.


the phoenix bird, dost thou not know him?

天堂之鸟,神圣的歌之天鹅!他坐在泰斯庇斯的马车上,扮作一只叽叽喳喳的乌鸦,拍打着沾满酒渣的黑色翅膀;天鹅的红色喙掠过冰岛悠扬的竖琴;他坐在莎士比亚的肩头,扮作奥丁的乌鸦,在诗人耳边低语 “不朽!”;在吟游诗人的盛宴上,他在瓦特堡的大厅里飞舞。

the bird of paradise, the holy swan of song! on the car of thespis he sat in the guise of a chattering raven, and flapped his black wings, smeared with the lees of wine; over the sounding harp of Iceland swept the swan’s red beak; on Shakspeare’s shoulder he sat in the guise of odin’s raven, and whispered in the poet’s ear “Immortality!” and at the minstrels’ feast he fluttered through the halls of the wartburg.


the phoenix bird, dost thou not know him?


he sang to thee the marseillaise, and thou kissedst the pen that fell from his wing; he came in the radiance of paradise, and perchance thou didst turn away from him towards the sparrow who sat with tinsel on his wings.

天堂之鸟 —— 每世纪更新 —— 生于火焰,终于火焰!你的画像,装在金色的相框里,挂在富人的厅堂里,但你自己却常常孤独地、被人忽视地飞来飞去,一个神话 ——“阿拉伯的凤凰”。

the bird of paradise — renewed each century — born in flame, ending in flame! thy picture, in a golden frame, hangs in the halls of the rich, but thou thyself often fliest around, lonely and disregarded, a myth— “the phoenix of Arabia.”

在天堂里,当你在第一朵玫瑰中诞生,在知识之树下,你得到了一个吻,你的真名被赋予了你 —— 你的名字,诗歌。

In paradise, when thou wert born in the first rose, beneath the tree of Knowledge, thou receivedst a kiss, and thy right name was given thee — thy name, poetry.

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