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第148章 愤怒可能让一切变得美好

'beef' Review: mad in America


by James poniewozik

“I'm so sick of smiling,“ says danny cho (Steven Yeun) in the first episode of Netflix's “beef.“ You may have noticed that he's not alone in this. blame it on the pandemic, the culture, the economy, but people are mad right now, on planes and on trains and— like danny and his car-crossed antagonist, Amy Lau (Ali wong)— in automobiles.

“我实在是笑够了”,在网飞剧集《怒呛人生》的第一集中,Steven Yeun所饰演的角色danny cho这样说道。你可能已经注意到了,他不是唯一一个有这种想法的人。我们大可把它归咎于疫情、文化或者是经济,但无论如何,当下人们都很愤怒:不管是在飞机上、火车上,还是在汽车上;剧中,danny与Ali wong所饰演的对手Amy Lau也是因开车结下梁子。

“beef,“ a dark edy about a road-rage incident that careers disastrously off-road, has good timing, but that's not enough to make a great tV series. what makes this one of the most invigorating, surprising and insightful debuts of the past year is how personally and culturally specific its study of anger is.


that nearly all of the major characters in “beef“ are Asian is both a casual fact of the setting and integral to its themes. these are characters given less social permission for anger in America, in part because of “model minority“ stereotypes of docility. but they're also shaped by their family and upbringing. Amy describes learning to repress her emotions from her father—“chinese guy from the midwest, I mean, munication wasn't his forte“— and her mother, a Vietnamese immigrant who “thought talking about your feelings was the same thing as plaining.“


As philosophy, self-help and “Star wars“ have taught us, anger is a destructive emotion.“beef“ provides ample evidence of this, but also pushes past easy cant to explore the idea that anger— even petty, stupid anger— can be liberating. At the end of the first episode, Amy and danny meet face to face, and it does not end well; she winds up chasing him down the street on foot. he, despite having bought himself trouble he can't afford, wears a wide, childlike smile. She, planning her next countermove, relaxes into a tiny grin.


It's the first lightness you see on either of their faces. their dispute will prove to be the worst thing that has happened to either of them, but in the moment, it is also the best. they fight not just out of pride but also out of their seeming belief that their rage might somehow make everything right.


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