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第127章 孔乙己的长衫

more Students Are turning Away from college and toward Apprenticeships


by douglas belkin

Last spring dina Sosa cruz sat with her parents and sister in the family's living room and reviewed her options: a full academic ride to the University of the district of columbia, or an apprenticeship in the insurance industry. her family was unanimous: take the apprenticeship.


Family conversations like the one in ms. cruz's living room are bubbling up around the country as high-school seniors recalibrate their options. the result has been the acceleration of a shift away from the nation's half-century “college-for-all“ model toward a choice of either college or vocational programs - including apprenticeships.


Apprenticeship programs are increasing in both number and variety. programs are expanding into white-collar industries such as banking, cybersecurity and consulting. Apprenticeships take many forms but generally pair students with a course of study focused on a particular occupation and practical work experience under the supervision of a mentor.


the gap between the number of students going to college and those selecting apprenticeships is closing as many employers are struggling to find workers in the tightest job market. As a result, some employers say a mismatch has developed between the skills employers are seeking and the lessons students are learning in college and university courses.


panies such as Alphabet Inc's Google, delta Air Lines Inc. and International business machines corp. have responded by dropping college degrees as requirements for some positions and shifting hiring to focus more on skills and experience.


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