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第114章 跟谷歌的AI聊天

what I learnt from talking to Google about chatbots


by Gillian tett

those attending the world Economic Forum earlier this month had a plethora of solemn issues to discuss. but the topic creating a buzz over the dining tables was something else: chatGpt, the artificial-intelligence platform recently launched by openAI.


the fascination partly arises because its potent capabilities make it “a game-changer that society and industry need to be ready for“. but it also points to an intriguing question: could this so-called generative AI, which answers questions, undermine the dominance of the mighty Google Search platform? Is a Silicon Valley giant, infamous for disruption, about to be disrupted itself?


the Alphabet leadership claims the pany has developed AI platforms more powerful than chatGpt but has decided it cannot release them until it has found a way to control the potential social and ethical risks.“our aim is to be bold and responsible,“ says James manyika, head of tech and society at Google.“we believe Google is very petitive in this space.“

谷歌母公司Alphabet的领导层声称,谷歌已经开发出比chatGpt更为强大的人工智能平台。但是,在找到能够控制潜在的社会与伦理风险的方法之前,该公司决定暂时不予发布。谷歌技术与社会部门主管詹姆斯·马尼卡(James manyika)表示:“我们的宗旨是既要大胆创新,又要有所担当。我们相信,谷歌在AI这个领域很有竞争力。”

tech history is full of tales of “second mover“ panies that have emulated an innovation that was unleashed by somebody else, and then eclipsed the pioneer. however, some executives at Google's rivals– the likes of microsoft and Amazon– offered another explanation: they suggest it's because Google Search is so dominant that staff have no incentive to scramble to develop a technology that might undercut its past success.


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