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rubbing 拓本

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第28章 rubbing 拓本

the classics

despite the “bibliocaust“ in which the first emperor of the qin dynasty (r. 221–210 bcE) burned books other than legal and essential professional texts, many works of pre-qin literature survive, thanks to their preservation in those historical works that were spared burning. the designation of select texts as “classics“ images promoted the prestige of these early writings. these classics evolved through the accretion of mentaries, most of which interpreted earlier texts in order to legitimate given rulers or political orientations.







Since the han dynasty (206 bcE–220 cE) the “Five classics“ refer to a divination manual, the classic of changes 易经; the oldest anthology of poems, the classic of poetry 诗经; a collection of speeches and decrees, the classic of documents 书经; a historical chronicle, the Springs and Autumns 春秋; and three handbooks of rules for behavior named together as the Ritual 礼. thanks to the invention of paper (second century bcE), these classics were carved in stone to produce rubbings and memorized by almost all educated chinese.


divination manual「短语」占卜指南(即《易经》)

A broader sense of authoritative writings came with the fourth-century division of texts into four main categories. this taxonomy made classics primary and history secondary, followed by the “masters“(thinkers later called philosophers), and collections of belles lettres. Rich in aphorisms, lively dialogues, fables and anecdotes, texts in the “masters“ category were usually posites of later date that collected a given master's dialogues with disciples or opponents. the rubric also included professional medical, military, and religious texts, including the daoist and buddhist canons. texts that would later be labeled fiction did not generally merit inclusion in any of these categories, all centrally concerned with conveying the way.




集(collections of belles lettres):即文集、诗词汇编等(belles-lettres源自法语,意为“美好的文字”,指的是以纯艺术为主要追求的文学作品)



debates about the way had taken shape during the pre-qin period when the lack of a political center permitted the rise of professional thinkers and diplomats. As these concerned scholars sought to persuade rulers of better paths to peace and good government, those unable to serve as officials often became teachers of disciples. these thinkers made the warring States china's richest period of philosophical debate, a time famous for its “hundred Schools of thought.“ of these schools, the historian Sima tan 司马谈(d. 110 bcE) identified six that, thanks in part to his formulation, would e to have a sustained influence. In addition to identifying as schools the Naturalists 阴阳家, confucians 儒家, and moists 墨家, Sima invented the categories of Legalists 法家, Logicians 名家(“Sophists,“ lit., the “School of Names“), and daoists 道家.





buddhism, too, would soon contribute profoundly to debates about the path of right living. originally from India, buddhism became a major branch of chinese thought, and buddhist stories from India were among the earliest fictional works in china. by the second century, poetic renderings of the life of Sakyamuni buddha and other buddhist parables were translated into chinese, and these parables and sutras (threads) became essential elements of the literary tradition.(the esteemed term for “classics“[jing 经] was also used for sutra titles.) often synthesized with confucian and daoist ideas, buddhist concepts of illusion, predestined union, karma, and reincarnation soon took root as folk beliefs; beliefs with especially wide appeal during the disunion following the collapse of the han dynasty in 220. by the tang dynasty (617–907), when a reunited china expanded militarily and weled broader dealings with foreign ideas and people, buddhist themes and forms had influenced many major developments in chinese literature. Understanding of this influence was revolutionized by the early twentieth-century unearthing of almost 40,000 manuscripts from a cave sealed since the eleventh century near dunhuang in western china.





despite different emphases, these major schools of thought shared many overlapping beliefs, including belief in an ultimate way of harmony grounded in the unity of heaven, earth, and humanity. Each school saw the others' teachings not as wrong but as possessing only a partial understanding of the greater whole. As centuries of debate and cross-fertilization created an evolving syncretism, these schools' shared concerns became major currents in the literary tradition. the foundations of chinese literature can be mapped as overlapping paths for approaching the way.


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