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大家在看重生1983 斗罗:开局十生武魂被赐婚千仞雪 琴帝 如梦令 斗破之我为秦帝 异界艳修 重生七零:闷骚军长俏媳妇 三界独尊 冰与火之歌 修罗丹神 
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第四十二章 智力的博弈

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“Reading is a pleasure of the mind, which means that it is like a sport: your eagerness and knowledge make you a good reader. Reading is fun, not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes your mind work. Your own imagination works along with the author’s or even goes beyond his. Your experience, pared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his.”


“Every book stands by itself, but books in a library are like houses in a city. Although they are separate, together they all add up to something; they are connected with each other. the same ideas, or related ones, turn up in different places; the human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in literature, but with different solutions according to different writings at different times.”


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站内强推动漫之后宫之旅 明星潜规则之皇 穿越豪门之娱乐后宫 人生得意时须纵欢 都市皇宫 名门艳旅 天龙风流之替身段誉 限制级末日症候 离婚吧,我要回家继承亿万家产 邻家美姨 富贵小丫鬟 兽血沸腾 武炼丹尊 携美向仙 极品捡漏王 绯色官途 我的美女房客 奇门诡术 重生七零:媳妇有点辣 师娘,别玩火 
经典收藏娱乐之QQ牧场系统 奇门诡术 冥商行 天赋觉醒:灌顶猴子进化齐天大圣 系统附身之随欲修仙 醉梦江湖远 环中猫 千劫之刃 我在修仙界猎杀穿越者 星星别闭眼 圣倪灵矩 魔法傲世录 开局混沌剑体,打造不朽仙族 火影之神格在手 深海有鲛人 木叶之圣主降临 碧蓝航线界限 开局被立三年之约,我成了反派? 斗罗之恶彪征途 我是蜉蝣 
最近更新诸天:我是好人,别胡说 月游洪荒 五行大陆的情报系统 茗族大陆最终系统 我才三岁,逆袭系统早来两百年 降临异界,我可以变成神话人族 青灵风云录 1秒1骷髅,我在高考开启亡灵天灾! 完蛋!我游戏登出键呢?! 封神:开局收服妲己 末世修仙:灵气复苏由我开始 废品丹神 平凡小子的仙侠逆袭路 我能魔化万物 猎杀地狱恶魔 太阳王之证 游历混沌诸天世界 苟在巫族写日记,后土杀疯了 穿越者请留步 御兽时代:我契约了天晶兽 
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